Tuesday, 14 April 2009

oooooooooooohhhhhhhh exciting and grrrr

Hellooooo, well bloody hell hasnt this been a long time since my last blog!

Any way sorry I havent done this for ages, I've been a little busy, well very busy!

First of all recently I got selected to be the candidate in a local council election, but I'll blog about that later on. I am now the candidate for the Trehaverne ward for Cornwall Council election on 4th June. But again more about that later.

The real point of this blog is this;- I DONT CARE ABOUT PUERILE EMAILS. It's consumed the media of the past weekend, and it was purely a discussion about how immature people have been. I bet the emails going round the tories are just as bad, and not intent for publication, infact, they're probably going round every office in the country! Did the news media just get really bored about reporting important stuff? Did the BBC/itv/sky/newspaper editors just sit round and think what the easiest story to report? It's not like there's a massive economic crisis, two wars which the country is embroiled in and effectively a revolution coming about in moldova due to the use of social networking sites. No they chose the content of an email which they cant read out, sent by a bloke we've never heard off, sent to another bloke we've never heard off!


1 comment:

Ed said...

Thank HEAVENS I am not the only person who thinks that about those bloody emails. The only thing that could have got it more news coverage would be if it had been someone at the BBC who had sent them!

If I had been in Gordon Brown's shoes I would have told the Tories to grow up and get over it. Apologising just makes him look like a complete wimp.